Swedish Movement Disorder Society

Swedish Movement Disorder Society


Constitution of Swedish Movement Disorder Society, March 2018

Bylaws of the Swedish Movement Disorder Society (SWEMODIS)

§ 1 Name of the society

The name of the society is the Swedish Movement Disorder Society (SWEMODIS)

§ 2 Aim of the society

The society is a scientific organization with the main aim to increase the interest in and possibility for research, development and education within the movement disorder areas in Sweden. The society shall primarily stimulate the interactions between preclinical and clinical research, as well as, between research and clinical activities. Its activities shall have a high scientific quality. International interactions, especially within the framework of the international Movement Disorder Society (MDS) shall have high priority.

§ 3 Membership criteria

The society organizes scientists, physicians and other persons with professional interest in diseases within the movement disorder area.

§ 4 Membership

A membership is personal. An application for membership shall be sent to the board and is decided upon by the board. Membership is valid first when the annual fee has been paid. The member shall latest by January 1st submit the membership fee for the coming year. A member must support the aims of the society.

§ 5 Honorary member

Honorary membership is decided upon by the annual meeting on suggestion from the board. As honorary member persons can be suggested whose activities have been of extraordinary importance for the scientific development in the movement disorder area. An honorary member does not have to pay the annual fee.

§ 6 Termination of membership

If a member wants to leave the society, he should inform the board. A member who has not within 3 months after January 1st paid the membership fee loses his membership.

§7 The boards of the society

The decisions are made by a board which is elected at an annual meeting. The board consists of 11 members: a chairman, at least one vice chairman, one secretary, one treasurer and other members. The members of the board are elected for two years. A member of the board shall be a scientist and/or physician and member of the society.

The board meets at least two times per year according to decision of the chairman. The chairman must also within 3 weeks organize a board meeting if at least two board members demand this. The board can make decisions if at least 6 members are present and agree on the decision. A vote in the board is normally open. If a vote at the board meeting is even, the chairman decides. A decision can be made without a formal board meeting if a majority of the board members agree on the decision. The board can within itself decide on the formation of the task groups. The board decides about its working routines and the working routines for task groups. A person outside of the board can be asked to join the board or a task group.

§ 8 The duties of the board members

The chairman shall announce and lead all meetings of the society and its board. The chairman shall together with the secretary decide on the schedules for such meetings.

The secretary shall latest 12 days before a meeting send out an invitation and program for the meeting. The secretary shall also write the summary of the content of the meeting, be responsible for the membership directory, correspondence and archives.

The treasurer is responsible for collecting membership fees, handling the economy of the society and shall make payments according to decisions of the board.

§ 9 Signing documents

Documents from the society shall be signed by the chairman and the secretary. Regarding financial matters, the chairman and the treasurer can separately sign.

§ 10 Economical accounting

All financial matters are once yearly controlled by two accountants that are appointed by the annual meeting for one year at the time. The board shall see to that the necessary documents are made available latest 3 weeks before the annual meeting.

§ 11 Election committee

A suggestion regarding board and accountants is prepared by an election committee. The election committee is composed of 4 members, from which at most one can be board member. The election committee decides on its own chairman. The chairman is responsible for organizing the meetings with the election committee. The election committee is capable of making decisions if at least two members are present.

§ 12 Election procedure

  1. The election committee shall least one month before the annual meeting suggest a board and accountants. The board shall latest one month before the annual meeting suggest election committee members.
  2. Each member of the society can up to one month before the annual meeting also make own suggestions for these positions. The members shall apart from the name of the persons that are suggested also note his own name.
  3. The available suggestions from election committee and members shall be stated on the invitation to the annual meeting which shall be sent out latest 12 days before the annual meeting.
  4. The election procedure is open.

§ 13 Voting on a meeting

All votes are open if there is not a request for closed voting. A difference of one vote is enough for a decision. With a written mandate one member can vote for up to three members. If the vote on a question is even, the chairman decides.

A decision can be postponed if at least 10 members demand this. A decision can be postponed for a second time if a majority of the meeting wants this. When a question is brought up for a third time, a decision must be made.

A question which has not been listed on the invitation to the meeting can only be decided upon if at least 2/3 of the present members agree on the decision.

§ 14 Economy

The society shall be independent from other interests than those of medical practice, knowledge and science. The members shall not receive payment for activities that take place in the frames of the society. Travel costs are excepted from this.

The society can receive financial support from a third party, but must not become dependent regarding its activities. Financial support can only be accepted when it is given without any conditions that can interfere with the independent status of the society.

The society establishes a fund. The rules for this fund shall declare that the economic resources can be used by the society for board meetings, scientific meetings and research grants. This fund is allowed to accept support from private persons, authorities and private companies. The fund is technically handled by a bank.

The treasurer and chairman shall regularly inform the board about the financial situation of the fund.

§ 15 Meetings of the society

The society shall perform at least one member meeting per year. An additional ad hoc meeting shall be held when the chairman or the board find this necessary or, when at lease 30 members submit a written application. Invitation to annual members meetings shall, together with a program for the meeting, be sent out at least 12 days before the meeting (to all members). At the additional ad hoc meeting within the society, only questions listed on the invitation can be decided on.

§ 16 Meeting program

At the annual meeting the society shall:

  1. Decide on 2 persons that certify the meeting protocol and count votes in case of voting procedures.
  2. Evaluate the reports from the board, the treasurer and the accountants and decide if there is a continued trust in the board.
  3. Elect board members according to § 7.
  4. Elect 2 accountants and 2 stand-ins for the accountants according to § 10.
  5. Elect nomination committee and one stand-in for these according to § 11.
  6. Select representatives for the society in other organizations and authorities when active participation is motivated. During the rest of the year the board can make decisions regarding such representatives.
  7. Decision on membership fees.

Invitation to the meeting shall be distributed to all the members according to § 8.

§ 17 Change in the constitution

Decision regarding changes in the constitution can only be made during annual meetings. A written suggestion regarding such a change must be made latest 2 months before the annual meeting and shall be sent to the board. The suggestion shall be sent out to the members together with the invitation to the annual meeting and shall be followed by a statement of the board. For a change in the constitution there must be a 2/3 majority at the annual meeting.

§ 18 Termination of the society

If the society shall be terminated, this must be decided upon in two consecutive meetings, of which one shall be a regularly planned annual meeting. There shall be at least 12 weeks interval between the meetings. The termination must be supported by a majority at both meetings. In case of termination of the society the annual meeting shall decide about the further use of its funds and thereby the main interest areas of the society shall have priority.

§ 19 In case there are no regulations in the constitution

In case there are no regulations for a certain question in this constitution, we refer to the constitution of the Swedish Medical Society (Svenska Läkaresällskapet).

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